The Power of TALI Mentoring: As Seen Through the Lens of Our Legacy Mentors

Isabella Moreland

Pittsburgh, PA – October 27, 2023. Mentorship is one of TALI’s four critical programming pillars and something that is essential to equip Black leaders with for their leadership development journeys. To better understand TALI’s unique and unmatched approach to mentoring, we have asked our legacy mentors, those who have served as an executive mentor for five consecutive years, to share their thoughts on what makes our mentoring model powerful.

Christine Bryant – EVP, Global Head Tailored Urethane, Covestro AG

How does TALI’s differentiated mentor experience make a difference in the development of participants and positively contribute to the organization?

“Having the privilege to serve as an Executive Mentor for the past five years, I have had a front row seat to see how powerful the TALI mentoring experience is for its participants, especially those from Covestro. By thoughtfully pairing TALI participants with leaders from across the region, the topics of guidance, feedback, and deeper business insight are tailored to the mentee’s leadership journey, which benefits the participant and their organization.”

David Finegold – Program Officer, Golub Capital | Former President, Chatham University

As someone who has served as an executive mentor since the inception of TALI, what causes you personal fulfillment? 

 “I have had the special opportunity to mentor five talented leaders. All my mentees have been impressive, coming from various professional and personal backgrounds. This aspect of mentoring is my favorite, that is, getting to connect with professionals from different industries. This connectivity allows for a mutual learning experience for me and my mentee. Knowing this is what we will take away from our time together during the program and beyond inspires me to keep paying it forward as a mentor.”

Greg Spencer – Managing Director, Spencer MacCleary & Associates

What makes the TALI Mentoring Model unique?

“Everything about the TALI model is well thought out and intentionally designed to cater to the unique experience of the Black executive; the mentor model is no different. With a focus on diversity and a sponsorship program that connects leaders in a TALI program with industry-aligned sponsors, TALI provides a unique foundation for the growth and development of the next generation of Black leaders.”

Ken Spruill – Managing Director, Center for Family Philanthropy and Wealth Education, Glenmede Private Wealth

What is your hope or something you think we should seize on for all upcoming cohorts?

“TALI differentiates mentorship by helping leaders tap into their personal experience and providing unique insights into situations the mentee may not otherwise consider. The mentoring relationship helps leaders become the best version of themselves. TALI continues to encourage its partners to keep paying it forward as executive mentors while also reminding alumni about the importance of mentorship, so they are inspired to do the same. By doing so, the everlasting cycle of mentorship is solidified and sustained.”

We thank the 115 individuals who have continued to pay it forward as a TALI mentor! You all make a world of difference. To view the roster of all TALI mentors, click here.